Εγκατάσταση νέου καταστήματος πολυεθνικής εταιρίας
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This paper is a complete manual of the operations that may take place, during the establishment and start of business, of a new store of a new multinational store in a country other than the headquarters. The editor was employed in this firm during the aforementioned period, as a MS Project Specialist in Greece, with the duty to prepare a manual of operations. He had the opportunity to cooperate with all departments and involved in the project described. During this cooperation and with further research, he has reached this «enriched manual», which is presented with the simplest of ways, so as it can be used by anyone interested in gaining knowledge or applying it during exporting activities. During the composition of the manual and analysis, he has reached some very interesting conclusions that gain additive value from the fact that they were facts in action and not just theoretical propositions. The strategy the firm uses to expand it’s activities abroad was compared with literature and strategies of other companies in order for the manual to be enriched theoretically. The editor reached the conclusion that this strategy is a product of academic approach in the organization of the firm’s «expanding abroad» activities. The present research paper may be the first step to the evaluation of future similar activities and further research is suggested to a) find out if this strategy can be improved, b) other strategies (and firms) can be used as a means of comparing in the design of the ideal expanding strategy of a multinational firm.