Ναυτιλία, ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση και φαινόμενο του θερμοκηπίου: το διεθνές και κοινοτικό ρυθμιστικό και οργανωτικό πλαίσιο (ΙΜΟ, ΟΗΕ, ΕΕ)
Master Thesis
Καρδαρά, Γεωργία
2012-04-03View/ Open
Περιβαλλοντικό δίκαιο ; Φαινόμενο θερμοκηπίου, Ατμοσφαιρικό ; Περιβαλλοντική πολιτική ; Ατμόσφαιρα -- Ρύπανση ; Ναυτιλία ; Κλιματικές αλλαγές -- Πολιτική θεώρησηAbstract
International Shipping Industry, Greenhouse Gases, Greenhouse Effect and Air Pollution are topics which are always on the headlines. The global warming in connection to pollution generated from shipping activities alerts global organizations for the climate change and urges the necessity Shipping Industry to be regulated related to Green House Gas emissions in order reduction of its contribution to be feasible in the future. Shipping Industry is considered to be one of the main contributors related to the Greenhouse Gas emissions as it appears to be responsible for the 3 – 4.5 % of the global GHG and 2.7% of the Global CO2 emissions. The main goal through this academic assignment will be to present the current situation of the Shipping Industry and its contribution to Green House Gas effect through statistical data provided by scientific approaches as well as future assumptions related to this matter. Future estimations reveal the necessity for Shipping Industry to be regulated over the Green House Gas emissions by Vessels & the main goal will be the elimination of the effect of global warming in the future. Rio Convention of 1992 and Kyoto Protocol constitute the primary official proposals of Global Community that Shipping Industry must be included in the regulations regarding the control of GHG emissions, and presently under the scope of latest estimations for the future contribution of shipping, the provisions of these Conventions need to be applied under the supervision of International Maritime Organization.