Διαχείριση κινδύνου : Μείωση ατυχημάτων πάνω στο πλοίο

Master Thesis
Λουλέ, Αλεξάνδρα
2011-11-03View/ Open
One of the basic concerns in the Shipping industry was always the safety in the sea. Risk assessment is the start of the risk management process. It enables employers to understand the action that they need to take to improve workplace health and safety, as well as productivity. If risks and those at risk or at increased risk are not assessed, a suitable risk management process cannot be started and appropriate preventive measures are unlikely to be put in place. Systematic risk assessment therefore improves workplace safety and health and business performance in general. The EU Framework Directive (89/391/EEC) emphasizes the need to ‘adapt the work to the individual’ (article 6.2), the obligation for the employer to ‘be in possession of an assessment of the risks to safety and health at work, including those facing groups of workers exposed to particular risks’ (article 9.1) and that ‘sensitive risks groups must be protected against the dangers which specifically affect them’ (article 15). The need to carry out inclusive risk assessment is also mentioned in other documents such as the EU Guidance on risk assessment at work, the EU strategy entitled Improving quality and productivity at work. The keys to the success of risk prevention actions include: adequate risk assessment, use/development of risk assessment tools allowing the adaptation of the work to the Worker, worker involvement and dialogue, training and information adapted to each target group, successful partnership and a combination of various means of action.