Σχεδιασμός και ανάπτυξη πλατφόρμας για την ενοποίηση και τη διαλειτουργικότητα γνωστικών υπηρεσιών σε μελλοντικά δίκτυα, με τη χρήση τεχνολογιών ενδιαμέσου λογισμικού (middleware) προσανατολισμένων σε υπηρεσίες = A service oriented, visualization, platform for the integration and interoperability of cognitive services in future networks
Master Thesis
Κελαϊδώνης, Δημήτριος
2011-09-30View/ Open
Human-machine systems ; Systems engineering ; Expert systems (Computer science) ; User-centered system design ; Service-oriented architecture (Computer science)Abstract
The need to cover Future Internet requirements leads to the development of
systems aimed to concentration of heterogeneous technologies, network
infrastructures, user devices, self-x algorithms, applications, etc., hiding the
complexity of processes of integration, operation, and composition. Current research
focused on the process of virtualization which in combination with principles of
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) constitutes the core to implement systems
capable to meet the requirement of future internet. This study presents the design
and implementation of a platform that combines the Service Oriented Architecture
with the process of virtualization, for the integration and interoperability of cognitive
services in future networks. Initially, referring to the purposes of development of the
platform, while continuing with the presentation of future internet technologies and
the description of architectures that is applied in the future networks. In the main
part of study, referring to the design and implementation of Service Oriented,
Virtualization, Platform (SOVP), which is a platform dynamically extensible and
reconfigurable where the implementation of virtualization process, allows the
introduction of new components with Plug and Play way. The SOVP organized as a
Service Oriented system which allows the composition of cognitive services, to
address complex processes that may occur in the system and also manage with
dynamic manner the components. In conclusion, after presenting the results and
describe the platform performance, makes reference to the conclusions of this study
and suggest future extensions of platform SOVP.