Knowledge management in the Banking industry

Master Thesis
Πατσιλινάκος, Θεόδωρος Σ.
2011-09-29View/ Open
Knowledge management ; Banks and banking -- Management ; Management information systems ; Information systems -- ManagementAbstract
A system is only as good as the data within that system. An increasing amount of organizations are discovering this as they upgrade older legacy systems into Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relations Management (CRM) systems. New technologies in today's world, the Internet and revelations in interface design have resulted in companies being closely intertwined with each other and the consumer. It is more important than ever for manufacturers to be able to transmit and display quality data. A basic component of data quality is that data must be correct and accessible among systems. Another element important to data quality is conformance to user requirements. The data specification is required to be available to the public and it must be possible to check that the message complies with the data specification automatically by software tools. The second part is provenance. Another essential component is the owner of the data element. Other anticipated parts include, Accuracy and Completeness. Participation by both data suppliers and data recipients will be necessary in order to succeed. Instead of just accepting data as is, organizations now have a way to enforce levels of information quality when transferring and buying other organization's data. The result of the Internet and new technologies has been a shift in attitude of suppliers; now they have realized that, by such a framework, they can implement a managed data integration solution by automating requests for master data from their customers (Grantner, 2010). If suppliers can improve the descriptions of data on their web sites, data would be even more visible, searchable and usable.
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