Μελέτη των κατανομών των χρηματοοικονομικών δεικτών των ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων (distributions of financial ratios of greek listed firms)
Master Thesis
Φάκα, Ανατολή Π.
2010-10-08View/ Open
The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of statistical distributions of 12 commonly used financial ratios derived from the 84 largest listed Greek enterprises for the period 2003-2008 (6 years). The chosen financial ratios represent the basic financial characteristics of a company, that is, liquidity, profitability and capital structure. They also include some ratios which are taken into account by the shareholders, namely “share performance ratios”. After the formation of the distributions of the above ratios for the companies in the sample, four popular statistical tests of goodness of fit to normal distribution (Lilliefors test, Anderson-Darling test, Shapiro-Wilk test, Jarque-Bera test) were applied to the initial as well as to transformed data. The results suggest that, normality was enhanced by trimming outliers and applying logarithm and square root transformations to the remaining data.