On the driving forces of real exchange rates

Master Thesis
Vratsanos, Ioannis
Βρατσάνος, Ιωάννης
Apergis, NikolaosΑπέργης, Νικόλαος
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Real exchange rate ; Macroeconomic variables ; Panel data ; Fixed effects ; Random effects ; Πραγματική συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ; Μακροοικονομικές μεταβλητές ; Δεδομένα πάνελ ; Σταθερές επιδράσεις ; Τυχαίες επιδράσειςAbstract
The present thesis examines the influence of a range of macroeconomic variables on the real exchange rate for a panel of 60 developed and developing economies covering the period from 1999 to 2023. To study the panel data, we have applied pooling, fixed effects, and random effects modelling. Our findings underscore the inertial nature of the real exchange rate through the significance of its lagged value. Additionally, all models identify macroeconomic factors as having a significant impact on the real exchange rate. Our results both reinforce and challenge existing assumptions about the influence of macroeconomic factors, with measures such as the current account balance and government expenditure aligning with mainstream economic theory, but factors such as the real interest rate and economic growth do not exhibit the expected behaviour.