Αναβιώνοντας την προσφυγική μνήμη με την χρήση ψηφιακών εργαλείων : Μικρασιάτες πρόσφυγες του 1922
Reviving refugee memory using digital tools : the Asia Minor refugees of 1922

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Ιστορία ; Ψηφιοποίηση ; Αρχειακό υλικό ; Μουσείο ; Ιστοσελίδα ; Παιχνίδια μνήμης ; Ψηφιακοί χάρτεςAbstract
This master's thesis presents the digital presentation of a historical event of Modern Greek History
and in this case, the traumatic event of the Asia Minor Catastrophe (1922) and the later
consequences of this event. The digital presentation includes the creation of an online website,
which is connected to the construction of a memory game and a digital map. The construction
material was provided after field research from archives, collections and libraries, which keep the
refugee memory alive nowadays. The majority of the historical documents were taken from
permanent exhibitions of cultural places and their archival collections, digitized by the researcher
and appropriately integrated into digital constructions. The documents cover a variety of issues
such as the way of flight from Asia Minor, the conditions in the refugee settlements in Greece, the
customs and traditions of the Asia Minor refugees and finally, their political and entrepreneurial
activity. Through this project, the 21st-century historian is upgrading his study and collaborating
with new technological innovations. The purpose of this paper is to preserve, promote and
enhance the refugee memory of 1922 and at the same time raise awareness of the traumatized
refugees over the years.