Ιστοσελίδα καταγραφής δεδομένων πανδημίας, υλοποιημένη με mvc αρχιτεκτονική και spring boot framework
Website for pandemic data recording, implemented with the MVC architecture and the Spring Boot framework
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Συλλογή δεδομένων ; Διακομιστής ιστού ; Εφαρμογή ιστού ; MVC ; JWT ; React ; Java ; Spring BootAbstract
This thesis aims to collect data from various regions around the world and gather data on the Covid-19 disease for these regions. The data will be sourced from the website ourworldindata.org and will be updated through an application that will be developed. The data will be stored in a database. Additionally, a web server will be created to host web pages for displaying, processing, and deleting the collected data. The server will protect the database with a login system.
To implement this, the website ourworldindata.org was identified as a source that allows users to download Covid-19 data for various regions in file format. This data is updated daily. Using Java, the data will be downloaded, cleaned, and inserted into an SQL database. A web server will be created using Java to communicate with the database for data access. JavaScript will be used to develop web pages that display, process, and delete the database data. These web pages will be served by the web server, allowing users to access them through a web browser. To protect the database, a login system will be implemented. The web server will be built using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern, while the login system will use the JSON Web Token (JWT) standard for secure information exchange.
The result of this work is the creation of a web application ready to be deployed on any cloud service provider. This application allows users from anywhere in the world to create accounts and access Covid-19 data. Additionally, it enables administrators to manage this data by updating or deleting it.
Websites (.org) belonging to non-profit organizations and charities provide access to global data on issues like Covid-19, enabling collection and analysis by universities, companies, and individuals. Despite the age of Java and its replacement by more modern programming languages like Python or JavaScript in many cases, Java remains capable of creating reliable web applications. These applications can be deployed in cloud environments and interact with cutting-edge technologies like the React library used for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces in web applications.