Εφαρμοσμένες αρχές της ψυχολογίας της μάθησης στην ψηφιακή εμπειρία : σχεδιαστικές αρχές σε εργαλεία ψηφιακής μάθησης για τη δέσμευση, τα μαθησιακά αποτελέσματα και την ευημερία των τελικών χρηστών στη βάση του μοντέλου METUX
Applied principles of the psychology of learning in the digital experience : design principles in digital learning tools for engagement, learning outcomes and end-user well-being based on the METUX model

Ψηφιακά εκπαιδευτικά εργαλεία ; Φοιτητές ; Μοντέλο METUXAbstract
This research uses the Motivation, Engagement, and Technology Use Experience (METUX)
model to examine the impact of using digital learning tools on student engagement,
academic performance, and well-being in higher education. Despite their expanded use in
educational settings, there is little understanding of how the design and operation of these
tools affect learners' psychological needs, motivation, and learning outcomes. This research
seeks to explore the interaction between students' needs for autonomy and efficacy and
digital learning tools, emphasizing the principles of Self-Determination Theory (SDT). The
research used descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes on a sample of 50 participants
to investigate the effects of gender and frequency of use of digital learning tools on various
psychological characteristics, such as intrinsic motivation, engagement, and perceived
competence. The results showed that participants had more intrinsic drive and perceived
competence. Furthermore, the importance of sustained digital engagement in improving
educational and psychological outcomes was highlighted by the significantly higher scores
of users who frequently used digital learning tools on flourishing, enjoyment, interest, and
relevance. The findings of the study promote the regular use of digital technology to
enhance student engagement and well-being. This research provides important empirical
evidence, offering insights to help educators, technology designers, and education policy
makers improve digital learning tools to better manage student needs, enhance motivation,
promote academic success , but also the overall well-being of students in higher education.