Αποτίμηση αγοράς ιατρικών μηχανήματων στην Ε.Ε. : μια εμπειρική ανάλυση
E.U. medical device market valuation : an empirical analysis

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Αποθέματα ; Προμήθειες ; Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ; Inventory ; Procurement ; Tenders ; European Union ; Διαγωνιστικές διαδικασίες ; Εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού ; Πανδημία ; COVID-19 ; Pandemic ; Προγράμματα στήριξης κατά τη περίοδο COVID ; Εμπόριο – εισαγωγές – εξαγωγές ιατροτεχνολογικού εξοπλισμού ; Ιατρικά μηχανήματα ; Medical equipment ; Support programs during COVID ; Medical equipment - trade - imports - exports ; Medical equipment supply chainAbstract
This thesis focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic period and how it has affected the medical equipment supply chain. More specifically, the pandemic has profoundly affected the global economy and society, exposing weaknesses in health systems and international supply chains of medical supplies, underscoring the need for cross-border cooperation and flexibility in trade policies. A spike in demand for personal protective equipment and critical care equipment such as ventilators has exposed shortages in many countries. To address this phenomenon, governments have temporarily relaxed import regulations, allowing these products to be imported more quickly, while the European Commission has imposed restrictions on the export of medical supplies, trying to ensure adequacy in the single market.
A part of the study focuses on the analysis of the geographical distribution of medical equipment production. The main producers are the United States, the European Union and China, with the US holding the largest share of the global market. Also, there is a reference to the effects of the trade war between the US and China, which has intensified supply chain challenges through tariffs and export restrictions.
The management of the medical equipment stock in the E.U. is critical for a smooth functioning health service, as was particularly highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, when demand increased dramatically leading to shortages and the need to boost production and imports. Medical stockpiles include devices such as ventilators, oximeters, diagnostic tests, Personal Protective Equipment, etc., that were necessary for patient care. The paper presents the growth in demand for medical devices and the imports made in the EU Member States, during the pandemic period (Time Period Analysis: 2018-2022) using data from Eurostat.
In 2020, the European Union was called upon to take countermeasures against the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the public health crisis. Some countermeasures are the SURE program, to safeguard workers' incomes, the establishment of the Next Generation EU initiative, the development of a common strategy for vaccine research and procurement as well as the possibility given to E.U. Member States to exceed budgetary limits to cope with the needs of the pandemic. Additionally, the European Union took initiatives to coordinate supplies and create strategic stockpiles of medical equipment through the rescEU, thereby helping Member States to respond to increased demand as well as future planning for future health crises. Finally, the study concludes with recommendations for strengthening partnerships and policies that support supply chains to be sustainable and resilient.