Οικονομικά και χρηματοοικονομικά οφέλη στα πλαίσια των συστημάτων διαχείρισης ποιότητας

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Οικονομικά οφέλη ; Χρηματοοικονομικά οφέλη ; Συστήματα ποιότητας ; ISO 10014Abstract
Many organizations, both in the private and public sectors, use standards and
participate in the development of standards. It is important that Quality Systems are
approached in a particularly organized manner and with a clear understanding of their
impact on the financial and economic aspects of the respective businesses and
organizations. The objective of this literature review is to explore the tools for achieving
financial and economic benefits as they arise from ISO 10014:2021. In the introductory
chapter 1, the reasoning that leads to the writing of this thesis is described, and it
relates to the question of realizing financial benefits from Quality Systems. At the end of
the chapter, the purpose and specific objectives of the thesis are outlined. In chapter 2,
the analysis focuses on the importance of studying the benefits derived from standards,
particularly the significance of their economic impact and the methodology by which it
can be measured, as derived from literature research. In chapter 3, through a literature
review, the connection between benefits and the motivations for compliance with
standards is explored. Some indicators and tools that contribute to measuring the
economic impact of Quality Systems are mentioned, while references to examples of
companies that have implemented standards complete the approach. Chapter 4
provides a comprehensive description of ISO 10014:2021, as well as a discussion
focusing on its usefulness. The example of a public organisation's commissioning
process is incorporated into the self-assessment questionnaire to draw useful
conclusions. Finally, the conclusions of this thesis are presented as answers to the
questions raised and the initially set objectives.