Παραγωγή γεωπολυμερών και υδρογόνου μέσω φωτοβολταϊκών πάνελ στο τέλος κύκλου ζωής τους
Geopolymer and hydrogen production by photovoltaic panels at the end-of-life cycle
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Φωτοβολταϊκά πάνελ ; Γεωπολυμερή υλικά ; Παραγωγή υδρογόνου ; Επαναχρησιμοποίηση ; Φωτοβολταϊκά απορρίματα ; Κυκλική οικονομίαAbstract
One of the most widespread methods of utilization of Renewable Energy Sources is the use of photovoltaic panels, which when they complete their life cycle it is necessary to recycle or utilize them with alternative methods in the context of sustainable development. In this paper, the recovery of a part of the photovoltaic panel is considered for the preparation of geopolymer material with simultaneous production of Hydrogen. It is investigated, the alternative use of the recovered part of the photovoltaic panel in alkaline reaction with NaOH to produce hydrogen gas and the utilization of the activation solution in the geopolymerization of fly ash and brick waste.
For the recovery of silica and glass from the panels, a two-stage milling treatment was carried out to achieve the appropriate particle size distribution of the raw material, i.e. less than 90 μm. The first stage of the experiment was to identify the raw materials based on chemical composition, particle size distribution and mineralogical composition. Then, an experimental solution preparation procedure was followed where the parameters of NaOH and KOH alkalis, the [Si]/R2O ratio for values of 0.8 1 and 1.2 and finally the solubilization time were investigated. So a series of 3 experiments was set up for each [Si]/R2O ratio twice for each alkali, while at the same time the production of Hydrogen versus time was measured.
According to the above paragraph, the following procedure was followed in each case of conducting experiments: according to the solid/liquid ratios, specific amounts of raw material (PV) - water and Alkali were used. The solution was stirred for 24 hours in a Hydrogen measuring device at 80 ̊ C. Subsequently, liquid-solid separation was performed by means of a vacuum filtration device. The precipitate was left in an oven at 70 ̊ C for 24 hours to ensure that there was no moisture in the samples. Finally, a method of raw material identification by XRF was followed for the precipitate and atomic absorption for the filtrate (only in three of the six samples). The next step was to conduct and cross-check the experimental results against the theoretical results.
After all the experimental results were reviewed and processed, the optimum result was used for the final preparation of activation solution with commercial products to be used in the geopolymerization of fly ash and brick waste. The two final samples were subjected to compressive strength tests in order to test the final part of the experimental stage.