Πράσινο μάρκετινγκ & ηθικός καταναλωτισμός
Green marketing & ethical consumerism
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Καταναλωτική συμπεριφορά ; Green marketing ; Ηθική κατανάλωση ; Ηθικός καταναλωτισμός ; Greenwashing ; Πράσινο μάρκετινγκAbstract
In the modern era, marketing professionals have adopted new approaches that have led to significant developments in the field. One of the most notable advances is the emergence of green marketing, which focuses on promoting products and services characterized by environmental responsibility and ethical awareness. Green marketing aims to enhance communication with consumers by presenting products that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible, responding to the growing demand for sustainable practices. However, despite increasing consumer awareness, one of the major ongoing issues is trust, as many companies do not fully implement these practices with complete transparency.
Alongside the rise of green marketing, a significant obstacle has emerged in the form of greenwashing. Greenwashing occurs when companies falsely project an environmentally responsible image, aiming to capitalize on the heightened demand for ethical products without making substantial changes to their practices. This phenomenon not only undermines consumer trust but can also have long-term negative effects on a company’s sustainability.
The aim of this study is to explore the factors that influence consumer behavior, with a particular focus on the concepts of green marketing and ethical consumerism. The research examines how companies’ environmental strategies affect ethical consumption and how green marketing acts as a mediator in shaping consumer behavior. Additionally, it investigates the impact that greenwashing has on consumer trust in businesses.
Moreover, the study focuses on the views of consumers residing in Greece regarding the political, social, and environmental dimensions of their purchases, linking the results with demographic factors such as age and educational background. The research is based on a quantitative analysis, utilizing questionnaires that provided data revealing the growing awareness of consumers about ethically conscious products. Both businesses and consumers are increasingly recognizing the need to adopt environmentally responsible practices, offering positive prospects for sustainable development.