Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακού μαθήματος για τον ορισμό, τη διαφοροποίηση, την αναγνώριση του σχολικού εκφοβισμού (bullying) και την εφαρμογή τρόπων πρόληψης του για γονείς και κηδεμόνες
Design and development of an e-course concerning the definition, the differentiation, the recognition of school bullying and the application of preventive measures for parents and guardians
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Εκφοβισμός ; MOOC ; Μικρο-μάθηση ; Μαθησιακά αποτελέσματαAbstract
The subject of school bullying constitutes an important and most relevant matter that has elicited and continues to elicit the interest of a large number of people either on the basis of research and occupation or on the basis of personal life and family. The goal of the present masters dissertation consisted of the design and development of an e-course concerning the definition, the differentiation, the recognition of school bullying and the application of preventive measures for parents and guardians. The focus is on parents and guardians, because it is deemed that they often come up against the phenomenon of school bullying and in consequence, it is important for them to know how it can be defined, its basic characteristics, how it can be recognized and for them to be able to take basic preemptive measures, in order to reinforce their children against it. Over the course of the present thesis the goal and the existing need for the creation of the course will be defined, courses concerning the subject will be analyzed, the specific manner in which the course was designed and developed, its possible contribution to the equivalent field, as well as the possible suggestions and conclusions that will emerge through it will be explained, analyzed and evaluated. The subject areas and the suggestions that will arise and emerge through this thesis are expected to contribute to the betterment and further development of training on the subject of bullying, and also on the training via online courses and more specifically on providing training for parents and guardians- a group of people which is considered to hold the most prominent position and importance concerning the reinforcement and more importantly the total upbringing of future citizens.