Ο παράγοντας του άγχους και η επιρροή του στην εργασιακή απόδοση

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Άγχος ; Εργασιακό άγχος ; Συμπτώματα ; Επιπτώσεις ; Επιχειρήσεις ; Εργασιακή απόδοσηAbstract
Occupational stress is an issue of utmost importance both for people's health and for their work, as obviously the emotional state has a significant influence on working life. In general, as we will see in this specific work, in modern societies, the psychological and physical problems of people who experience intense work stress in their daily lives are constantly intensifying, unable to control it and combat it effectively.
Of course, the main consequence of this form of stress has disastrous consequences on work performance, as it forms a climate of intense distancing and isolation of employees from their work environment, which affects a general apathy and inability to assume responsibilities and fulfill tasks. Thus, individuals sink into feelings of negativity, depression, pessimism and frustration. Specifically, in Greece as recorded and with statistical data, stress in the workplace is continuous, making workers unproductive and inefficient, a fact which in turn forms a dysfunction in the general working environment.