Τα κριτήρια του Ε.Δ.Δ.Α. ως προς την αποτελεσματική προστασία του δικαιώματος στο απόρρητο της επικοινωνίας. Η ελληνική περίπτωση : συγκλίσεις και αποκλίσεις
The ECHR's criteria on the effective protection of the right to communications confidentiality. The Greek case : convergences and divergences
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Απόρρητο επικοινωνίας ; Απόρρητο ; Προστασία απορρήτου επικοινωνίας ; Κριτήρια ΕΔΔΑ ; Αποτελεσματική προστασία απορρήτου ; Απόρρητο επικοινωνιών ; Προστασία απορρήτου επικοινωνιώνAbstract
The present thesis attempts to analyse the criteria set, regarding the issue of ensuring the effective protection of the right to communications confidentiality, as they have been formulated through the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and then attempts a comparative approach with the respective criteria in force in the Greek legal order and those provided for in the national legislative framework. A crack in the, in principle, "absolutely inviolable" right to the confidentiality of communications under the Constitution is the revocation of this right for reasons of national security or the investigation of serious offences. In order to ensure that the interference with this protected right is, as far as possible, proportionate, the Court has developed a number of criteria in its case law which are linked to clear regulation by law of the entire procedure for interfering with the right. At the same time, the regulatory framework in question must meet certain criteria related to the quality of the law in order to comply with the principle of proportionality and to achieve balance between often 'conflicting' rights that require protection.
The compatibility of the national legislative framework with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights is determined by the fulfilment of the above criteria.In the domestic legal order, the complete protection of this right is, in principle, constitutionally guaranteed in Article 19 of the Constitution, while the law implementing the Constitution, which further regulates the procedure for the lifting of communications confidentiality, was, until recently, Law No. 2225/1994 (Government Gazette A' 121/20.07. 1994) entitled "For the protection of freedom of communication and response and other provisions", which was repealed in the majority of its articles and replaced by the applicable Law No. 5002/2022 (Government Gazette A' 228/09.12.2022) entitled "Procedure for the lifting of the confidentiality of communications, cybersecurity and protection of personal data of citizens". Both the previous and the applicable domestic regulatory framework contain problematic points, for which their compatibility with the criteria laid down by the ECHR and, by extension, the compatibility of the Greek legislation itself with Article 8 of the ECHR may be questioned.