Η επαγγελματική εξουθένωση των εκπαιδευτικών στα μουσικά σχολεία
Burnout syndrome on music schools’ teachers
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Επαγγελματική εξουθένωση ; Εργασιακό άγχος ; Burnout ; Νόσος εκπαιδευτικώνAbstract
Searching for the most stressful professions, it is observed that teachers are considered one of
the top stressful, with increasing trend. Anxious feelings and lack of interest are factors,
making teachers weak on tackling issues during working process and negatively affecting the
way that they treat students, co workers, and even their own self. This physical and mental
exhaustion is known as the burnout syndrome. Considering the primary importance of
teaching, of the good relationship between student and teacher and of the students' personality
mounding, burnout syndrome must be prevented and treated as soon as possible.
For all the above reasons, this study aims to investigate burnout syndrome in the teachers of
secondary music schools in Greece, since these schools are a combination between teaching
and performing in music arts. In this regard, this study aims to provide a clear overview on
whether the teachers feel exhausted or not, and how much this may affect their job.