Ανάπτυξη προηγμένου πληροφοριακού συστήματος κατά DevOps για τη διεργασία εξέτασης και διάγνωσης ασθενών σε κέντρο υγείας
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Πληροφοριακά συστήματα ; Διεργασία ; Κέντρο υγείας ; DevOpsAbstract
In recent years, it has become essential for every organization to have a modern
information system that focuses on its structure and employees. The need for quick
adaptability, more productive practices, faster response to requirements and less
bureaucracy, brought to the fore the development of flexible methods (Agile
Methodology) which provide the structure and methodology for software
development. Greater emphasis is placed on DevOps that provides the practices and
tools to automate and integrate the development and delivery processes of
information system software, with maximum customer satisfaction as the primary
priority. At the same time, an analysis of health centers is presented as a form of
medical care provision which is staffed with general practitioners and doctors of
certain specialties who offer basic care services such as carrying out preventive
examinations, carrying out a diagnostic procedure and the most appropriate
treatment for the patient. In the initial part of this thesis, the above concepts are
further described, while the second part analyses the operational process of
examining a patient in a health center and obtaining their medical history, as well as
the development of the application used by the doctor to enter the patient's
examination data.