Κοινωνικοοικονομικές ανισότητες και υγεία κατά τη διάρκεια του πρώτου κύματος της πανδημίας Covid-19 στην Ευρώπη
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Υγεία ; Πανδημία ; COVID-19 ; Κοινωνικοοικονομικές ανισότητεςAbstract
The containment of the COVID-19 pandemic included a series of measures, which had the effect of reducing the income of part of the population; this fact is speculated to have led to the increase of social and economic inequalities. Prolonged lockdown periods were implemented as a measure to contain the pandemic in all European countries with varying severity and duration. This thesis aims to investigate the existence of social and economic inequalities due to pandemic measures during the first wave and whether these inequalities had an impact on health care utilization and the health of a sample of people aged 50 and over. For this purpose, information from the 8th wave of the pan-European SHARE survey regarding COVID-19 (Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe) is used. The characteristics examined are demographic, social and economic as well as physical and mental health characteristics. In the first chapter, general information and definitions are presented, regarding the concept of socioeconomic inequality, morbidity, mortality, along with the relationship of social and economic level with income, the educational attainment and health. In the second chapter, the COVID-19 pandemic is analyzed as well as its connection to the escalation of socioeconomic inequalities in terms of income and social status due to the imposed lockdown. The SPSS statistical package is used to analyze the data of the SHARE research. Specifically, the one-dimensional descriptive analysis of the variables of interest take place in the third chapter. Subsequently, in the fourth chapter it is examined through bivariate analysis whether and to what extent the changes in health, the receipt of medical care and the changes in the respondents’ feeling of depression are related to demographic and socioeconomic factors. In the fifth chapter further investigation is carried out of the three health variables, through binomial and multinomial logistic regression models with a view to assessing the statistical significance of the influence exerted by demographic and socioeconomic factors on them. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this thesis in which the main findings of the research are summarized. More specifically, people who used their savings during the initial phase of the pandemic experienced deterioration in their health compared to those who did not take this action. Women showed a stronger deterioration of physical and mental health compared to men. Finally, socioeconomic inequalities in the health sector were more acute in southern European countries than in northern European countries.