Μετανάστες στην Ελλάδα την τελευταία 10ετία : η επίδρασή τους στο Σύστημα Υγείας
Immigrants in Greece in the last 10 years : their Impact on the Health System
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Μετανάστευση ; Μετανάστες και υγεία ; Εθνικό Σύστημα Υγείας ; Δημόσια υγεία ; Θετικές - Αρνητικές επιπτώσεις μετανάστευσηςAbstract
Greece is one of the countries of the European Union that has received the greatest burden of migratory flows, without having the appropriate sub-structures for their reception and adequate accommodation. Even though the number of migrants flocking to Greece is constantly increasing, especially in the summer when sea conditions are more favorable, no organized plan has been developed to deal with the migratory flow, which would register and welcome these people appropriately. This situation is a constant burden on the country's economic situation and has significant consequences in all sectors, particularly in the health sector. This thesis is an attempt to highlight the problem of the post migration crisis in Greece and to analyze the problems it causes in the public sectors. In particular, it presents the impact of migration on the health sector and the burden on the country's health institutions during the last ten years when the migration crisis has reached its peak. Overall, the objectives of the paper include the presentation and analysis of the legal framework of migration in force in Greece, the migration policy implemented in the European Union and in Greece in particular, and the analysis of the impact of the migration crisis on the health sector in Greece over the last 10 years. This paper is a literature review of the available scientific studies and data on the migration crisis in Greece and its impact on the health sector in the last 10 years. Finally, the structure followed aims to present the migration crisis in Europe and Greece and to analyze its effects on all sectors of the Greek public sector, focusing on the public health sector.