Ποιότητα τηλεπικοινωνιακών υπηρεσιών και μέθοδοι αξιολόγησης

Master Thesis
Χρυσακόπουλος, Δημήτριος Β.
2007-07-03View/ Open
Διατριβές ; Telecommunication -- Quality control ; Telecommunication -- Customer services ; Telecommunication systems -- EvaluationAbstract
This dissertation deals with the concept of Quality of service in telecommunications and the methods the latter can be assessed. The notion of quality and its different aspects and characteristics is the starting point in the investigation of service quality, which is demonstrated in the service and its characteristics. The Servqual model and the perception gaps illustrate how important it is to grasp the customer perspective and locate all the ways in order to obtain it in the most accurate way. These perception gaps are adapted to telecommunications business in order to show how these can apply in the various services and how quality of service can be achieved. The perception gaps serve as the beginning in order to define a framework for the assessment of service quality in the various service characteristics and critical success factors. Moreover, the perception gaps illustrate the importance of obtaining the customer’s view, which is achieved through questionnaires constructed and designed in a way to obtain the maximum benefit from the customer’s side. These questionnaires can be designed with the assistance of the QoS model, which provides all service characteristics and provides a structured way in assessing its various characteristics. Moreover, the House of Quality (QFD) and how this can be exploited in the scope of benchmarking with competition are explained in order to provide a framework of assessing telecommunication services. The combination of all these defines a comprehensive model in order to assess telecommunication services. The model, in conjunction with QFD and benchmarking provide the means to perform comparative assessment in order to come up with areas for improvement in each case. The final stage is the construction of a SLA, which is the cornerstone of the demonstration of the commitment of the service provider to the customer.