U.S. presence – interest in the Mediterranean Sea - Historical and Political Analysis. United States and Cyprus (Cold War – 1974 Turkish invasion). The case of East Med pipeline (U.S. attitude, newer perspective due to Russian Ukrainian war and energy interdependence)
Master Thesis
Παναγιωταράς, Γεώργιος
Panagiotaras, George
2023-06View/ Open
American doctrine of Free Sea and Free Trade was pivotal for U.S. foreign policy. U.S. guaranteed the freedom of Mediterranean Sea, liberating the area from pirates menace. From 18th to 21th century United States constitute the major factor of stability in the area, necessary condition for countries prosperity in the Mediterranean. Nowadays, the main interest is focused in the Eastern Mediterranean, where energy issues seem to disturb the safety in the area.
United States for another time is called to deal the situation offering safety and energy independence to Europe. It is a difficult new world task that U.S. seem to accomplish in a very decisive and skillful way as a powerful State in the diplomatic, military and economic sector.