Βιώσιμη χρηματοοικονομική και κυκλική οικονομία
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ESG ; CSR ; CSP ; Κυκλική οικονομία ; Κυκλικές καινοτομίες ; Περιβαλλοντική απόδοση ; Διαχείριση πόρων ; Βιωσιμότητα ; Βιώσιμη χρηματοοικονομική ; Granger αιτιότηταAbstract
This study assesses the causal relationship between financial and environmental
performances. In order to determine the aforementioned relationship, we analyzed a
sample of 102 public companies worldwide in the textile and clothing industry, using
data from Refinitv-Eikon in the short term and more specifically for the years 2018 and
So, utilizing the "Granger causality" approach, which expresses causal relationship, we
did not find a statistically significant relationship between the environmental pillar score
of a business and in financial returns. However, using the individual environmental
performance scores and more specifically the directly related to circular economy, we
were able to detect a strong significant positive correlation of the operating expense
ratio and innovation score.
This finding can be considered a part of the research that suggest the circular
innovations to have a positive effect on the financial performance of companies and
create doubts among investors who believe that the adoption of environmental
innovations, has a negative effect on companies which they examine.