Δημιουργία μοντέλων πρόβλεψης του κινδύνου χρεοκοπίας ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων
Creating models for predicting the risk of bankruptcy of Greek businesses
Doctoral Thesis
Σφακιανάκης, Ευάγγελος Μ.
Sfakianakis, Evangelos M.
Αρτίκης, ΠαναγιώτηςView/ Open
The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to study and further analyze the phenomenon of corporate bankruptcy, focusing on the unique characteristics presented by productive companies listed on the AX, during the economic crisis (2008-2015). After analyzing all the relevant literature surrounding the phenomenon of bankruptcy and its eventual prediction, the performance of Altman's model (2000) will be applied and evaluated on the industrial companies listed on the AX during the financial crisis in Greece. Then, with the use of appropriate statistical methods and tools, the creation of a new combination-model for predicting bankruptcy will be sought which will produce better results when applied to productive companies listed on the AX, even in periods of uncertainty (financial crisis).This particular venture has never been attempted before as no researcher has ever addressed and focused on the unique characteristics and mix of Greek businesses, so as to be able to predict their bankruptcy at statistically significant levels. It is also worth emphasizing that the economic situation under which the research and analysis will be carried out is of particular interest to the whole project, as all the businesses in the sample will be affected by the economic consequences brought about by the economic hardship in Greece. As a consequence, financially sound firms are characterized by intense uncertainty and are much more difficult to distinguish from the corresponding financially sound firms in a healthy economy. These conditions make it much more demanding but also necessary to find a bankruptcy prediction model that can perform even under these conditions.The specific research concerns both the research and the potential investment and business public of Greece, seeking to contribute significantly to the already existing literature on corporate bankruptcy and also to the further study of the phenomenon of the economic crisis.