Μια μελέτη της ποιότητας ζωής της φοιτητικής κοινότητας πριν, κατά τη διάρκεια και μετά την περίοδο εγκλεισμού λόγω κορονοϊού
A study of the quality of life of the student community, before, during and after the covid-19 quarantine period

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Ανάλυση δεδομένων ; Κορονοϊός ; ΕρωτηματολόγιοAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent period of confinement have had significant impacts on all social and economic activities. The effects have extended beyond physical health concerns and have resulted in adverse effects on the mental well-being of many individuals. This phenomenon has also given rise to social exclusion and other challenges. This study aims to highlight the effects of the pandemic on everyday life, specifically focusing on changes in the quality of life among both the general and student population. The study involved the use of two separate questionnaires, one for each population, with respondents invited to provide anonymous answers.
Demographic data such as age and financial status were collected, as well as information relating to the pandemic, such as the impact of the pandemic on their lives. Additionally, specific questions were selected for each population, targeting their respective social sub-groups. For instance, questions regarding changes in the quality of university education were asked. Four scales were identified and used to highlight changes in quality of life and responses were analyzed to observe any differences between the two populations. Of particular importance in this study was the examination of changes in education , particularly the shift from in-person to remote learning, and the subsequent effects on the quality of education during the lockdown period.