Διερεύνηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της μεθοδολογίας Agile σε περιβάλλον e- Learning στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση
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Project based learning ; Δεξιότητες 21ου αιώνα ; Agile ; Scrum ; Sprints ; ABC Learning Design ; ABC Learning CardsAbstract
Nowadays, as technology and society are constantly evolving, there is a need to introduce new ways of learning into the educational process. The 21st century requires the acquisition of a variety of skills the most important of which are communication, collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking. The Agile Methodology, which is studied in this paper, aims to satisfy a variety of skills with the most basic ones being mentioned before. For the present research, a workshop was created on the educational platform Moodle, in order for the students to get in touch with this new methodology for educational data and to operate following its aspects. After the end of the workshop, the trainees will be able to apply this process both in education and in any other field of their work. The learning theory used in conjunction with the Agile Methodology is Project Based Learning as well as the ABC learning design method. The choice of combining Project Based Learning and Agile was made as these are modern techniques that keep learning oriented towards the educational goal. Students become active participants in the learning process. In fact, from the Agile Methodologies, Scrum, which we studied in the present research approach, is beneficial for Project Based Learning environments because it reduces the risk of unexpected problems, due to the division of tasks. Additionally, ABC Learning Design shares many common features with the Scrum Methodology. In this particular case, however, it was used as a means of evaluating the work of the participating students at the end of the third Sprint. The students were divided into groups of three (or two where there was no third person to complete the group) to enable them to complete the workshop and the sprints required by the methodology. Additionally, the variety of tools that can be integrated into the Moodle platform, as well as the possibilities it offers played an important role in the completion of the workshop. As for the survey we conducted on the ABC cards we found that learners used a variety of tools to cope with the work they were given. From the quantitative research carried out in the questionnaire we found that the students understood the Agile Methodology to a great extent, enhanced their digital knowledge and skills, information management ability and critical thinking. In addition, they developed their problem-solving skills and interpersonal communication and collaboration, which are the most important elements of this methodology. Finally, they were creative and achieved self - regulation. This paper, therefore, provides important evidence for the effectiveness of the Agile Methodology in the educational process, especially if it is combined with methodologies such as Project Based Learning.