Διαδικαστική δημιουργία πόλης, προσομοίωση κοινωνίας και χρήση του μοντέλου OCEAN σε Unity3D
Procedural town generation, simulation of society and implementation of the OCEAN Model in Unity3D
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Διαδικαστική δημιουργία ; Πόλη ; Προσομοίωση ; Κοινωνία ; OCEAN ; FFM ; Unity3DAbstract
This thesis’ aim is the construction of a procedurally generated city using dynamic construction methods. With the help of the Unity3D development platform, a realistic city will be created with the use of simulative methods, at an individual level, with the explanation and implementation of a person's needs such as food and shelter, the procedures he/she follows on a daily basis, such as movement to and from work or home, as well as at the social level, by constructing the concept of "family" programmatically to create bonds between family members or create relationships in a professional area, as well as introducing appropriate scientific models of a person's characteristics such as OCEAN model, to accurately represent the interactions between individuals in the city.