Συστημική προσέγγιση στην ανάλυση εργασιών Διεύθυνσης Υπουργείου με χρήση λογισμικών συστημικής δυναμικής
Systemic approach to the analysis of tasks of Hellenic Ministry Directorate using system dynamics software
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Τhe main purpose of this specific MSc thesis is applying systemic methodologies and tools in order to detect problems, improve and optimize the processes withing a Directorate of Hellenic Ministry (more specifically the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning of Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs). The Systemic Methodologies that were used are the Design and Control Systemic Methodology (DCSYM) and the Viable System Model (VSM). The system was also simulated using the Vensim and AnyLogic simulation softwares, using Systems Dynamics. Moreover, the use of DCSYM Case Tool allowed us to map the processes and communications of the Directorate as a system and identify the recurring problems that impede its optimal function. Applying the Viable System Model aided in the diagnosis of the organization and better understanding the components of its structure to conclude whether its viable to survive in complex operating environment. After correctly identifying the problems in the system, we propose a system optimization, mapping the new system state using DCSYM Case Tool, and then we simulate both the before and after states to measure the effectiveness of our proposition using System Dynamics software (Vensim, AnyLogic). The result was the alleviation of the internal problems that impeded the provided services, which resulted in the improvement of the Directorate in focus and subsequently the improvement of the General Secretariat as whole due to the reduction of bureaucratic delays that functioned as a bottleneck for the super system. Modeling and then simulating the system states allowed us to extrapolate useful data and observe the behavior of the system over time, whilst simultaneously having the ability to control various factors of the system and measure its response and adaptability to them.