Yλοποίηση ενός συστήματος υγείας με την χρήση της αρχιτεκτονικής των microservices
Development of a healthcare system using microservices architecture

Master Thesis
Onasis, Panagiotis
Ωνάσης, Παναγιώτης
Alepis, EfthimiosΑλέπης, Ευθύμιος
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In recent years, the continuous increase of people's dependence around electronic devices
has led to the appearance of increasingly demanding applications, which need more and more
computing resources but also the easy possibility of their scalability and operation on a large
scale. So, the microservices architecture tries to solve this problem. The term microservices was
first mentioned in a conference by Dr. Peter Rodgers in 2005 and introduced as "Micro-Web Services". The purpose of this particular architecture was to break down individual large
monolithic applications into multiple independent microsystems, thus making the code simpler,
easier to manage, and more extensible. In this thesis, we will examine the development and
implementation of a back-end system called Medbook, which will implement a specific business
logic, specifically in the field of Healthcare (Patient Medical File) using the microservices
architecture. The specific system will consist of five autonomous and independent
microservices, where each will serve a specific and unique purpose at the business logic level
and will communicate with each other. These microservices have the following names: User,
Personel, PatientDemographics, Lis (Laboratory Information System) and ClinicalInformation.
More specifically, through the specific microservices, it will be possible to create and manage a
Medical File for a patient, which will contain all the necessary functionalities to be used by one or
multiple hospitals, such as history, visits to external or internal hospital clinics, conducting
examinations, recording results and administering medicines.