Προβλέποντας την ηλικία συνταξιοδότησης βάσει της απασχόλησης σε χώρες της Ευρώπης
Predicting age at retirement by employment status in European countries
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Συνταξιοδότηση ; Απασχόληση ; ΕυρώπηAbstract
This study aims to investigate factors related to retirement age. More specifically, it is
considered whether demographic, social, work-related and health-related factors affect
retirement age or not, in European countries.
In the first chapter, we discuss the characteristics concerning the pension systems and
we analyze their current and future adequacy. Moreover, related bibliographic findings
are presented and a description of the problems which affect the financial sustainability
of pension systems is given. In conclusion, we mention important reforms which were
submitted to several European pension systems and some proposals which will lead to
pension adequacy in the future.
In the following chapters, data from the SHARE survey are used in order to carry out
the statistical processing and analysis and to reach conclusions in relation to the
retirement age. Specifically, the second chapter presents the results of the descriptive
statistics, one-dimensional and two-dimensional, through frequency tables and
independence tests. In the third chapter, through logistic regression models, our study
explores whether demographic and social factors as well as health factors and working
conditions affect retirement age. In the fourth chapter, the factors that affect retirement
age are further investigated, using polynomial regression models.
Finally, in the fifth chapter, a conclusion based on the analysis of the available data is
presented. Interesting remarks emerge in relation to retirement age and how
demographic factors such as gender, years of education and country of residence affect
it. An interesting finding is that health-related factors seem not to affect retirement age.
In contrast, some of the work-related factors have statistically significant effect on
retirement age.