Η μεθοδολογία Out of Eden Learn στην μουσειακή αγωγή στο νηπιαγωγείο, σε συνδυασμό με τεχνολογίες επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας και εκπαιδευτικής ρομποτικής
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Out of Eden Learn ; Μουσειακή αγωγήAbstract
A few decades ago, the visit to museums and cultural sites was purely intertwined with physical presence, excluding a large number of people who for reasons of difficulty of access could not visit them. Now this condition has changed and most museums and cultural sites around the world, have electronic websites that host digital exhibitions with 3D technology. Especially due to the new conditions created by the pandemic with COVID-19, where the visit to Cultural spaces could only be carried out digitally, exhibition spaces with audiovisual material and 3D exhibits were created, where the visitor can experience the digital tour as an experience with intense interaction and interaction.
This research, using the methodology of the Out of Eden Learn program, in the context of the "Skills Workshops", approaches museum education in preschool age, through virtual tours and integrates the application of augmented reality and educational nutrition in the part of evaluating the new concepts taught to children.
The aim of the research is to present an educational scenario where the methodology of the Out of eden learn program in museum pedagogy, together with the use of new technologies will cultivate in the students skills of the 21st century and bring them into contact with the cultural element of each era.
In the survey took part 15 students of the kindergarten department. The educational scenario of the research consists of 7 workshops and lasted two months, participated in the survey.
The collection of data was done through participatory observation and the completion of a questionnaire of the observer for each child. Finally, analyzing the above data, the conclusions of the research and suggestions for further study are presented.