Analysis on Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) platforms for Security Operation Centers
Ανάλυση στις πλατφόρμες Ασφαλείας Ενορχήστρωσης Αυτοματισμού και Απόκρισης για τα Κέντρα Επιχειρήσεων Ασφαλείας
Master Thesis
Λάλος, Δημήτριος
Lalos, Dimitrios
Ξενάκης, ΧρήστοςXenakis, Christos
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Cyberthreats ; Mitigation ; Software ; Automation ; Response ; SecurityAbstract
Nowadays, governments and organizations rely more and more on digital environments in order to provide their services. As a result, criminal activities that traditionally targeted those services have engaged in a large scale cyberwar. In order to mitigate those threats, public and private sectors use Security Operation Centers, places where analysts actively respond to threats, providing a defence mechanism to those malicious actors. An advanced measure used in modern SOCs is Security Orchestration Automation and Response software. This software provides the analysts with enhanced automation capabilities in order to monitor their digital assets and effectively respond to cyber threats. The aim of this master thesis is to analyze and demonstrate this software, its abilities, as well as what its provisions to modern analysts.