Εταιρική κοινωνική ευθύνη και περιβάλλον
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Εταιρική κοινωνική ευθύνη ; ΠεριβάλλονAbstract
CSR was initially treated as a strategy which would increase business profits. Gradually, with the realization that entrepreneurship can be sustainable provided that that both the environment and the society are sustainable, the concept of ECSR emerged. Both concepts, though, are inextricably linked with the principles of Sustainable Growth, based on which for there to be the development of humanity there should be rational use of resources and concern to eliminate environmental degradation, in order to face the environmental issues which jeopardize the planet’s sustainability.
To implement ECSR it is necessary to develop strategies which will govern each company’s organizational culture and through the use of the appropriate tools of environmental management the development of relevant projects is feasible. The benefits of such projects concern the reduction of the company’s environmental impact, the reduction of operating costs, and the increase in its positive image through the voluntary implementation of ECSR.
Both CSR and ECSR were instituted in the European Union through relevant directives which were incorporating in the Greek legislation providing the appropriate institutional framework for the creation of bodies which promote them. However, in Greece ECSR is implemented by stronger companies and groups for almost all business fields. The actions concern waste and resources management at a greater extent than those related with actions to raise public environmental awareness. Management systems are applied but the holistic ECSR approach has yet to be accomplished. Small and medium enterprises are under-represented mostly because the financial investement on ECSR is significant with long-term results.
To promote ECSR throughout the business world there is a need for providing more information regarding its benefits and creating alliances among all interested parties in order to facilitate its implementation. Moreover, its bodies in Greece should play a more substantial and active role in ECSR dissemination both in the business world and the general public.