Η τηλεκπαίδευση ως μέσο ενίσχυσης ή άμβλυνσης των κοινωνικο-οικονομικών διαφορών στους μαθητές των τάξεων υποδοχής ΖΕΠ του δημοτικού σχολείου
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Τηλεκπαίδευση ; Τάξεις υποδοχής ; Κοινωνικο-οικονομικές διαφορέςAbstract
The school year 2020-2021 was - admittedly - a difficult period globally and nationally due to
the emergence of Covid-19. School, acting as a miniature of society, was at the forefront of the
struggle, to deal with this situation. Distance education was for the first time, compulsorily
applied at all levels of education. This continued the work of face-to-face teaching with respect
to social distancing and the protection of people by Covid-19.
Teachers in a very short time had to accomplish the huge project of distance learning, while
helping students and their families to adapt to the change. The Reception Classes of the primary
schools also continued to operated in the context of this forced change. As in lifelong learning,
separate classes were held for students with migrant and refugee background.
The school year of 2020-2021 was the first time of extensive application of distance learning
in Primary Education, with the result that existing research does not lead to safe conclusions.
From 2019, a number of surveys are publishing day by day, supplementing the knowledge about
this unprecedented situation.
The purpose of this paper is to study the conditions under which distance learning was
implemented in the Reception Classes of Primary Schools and the possible changes in socio-economic level. This research aims not only to investigate the perceptions of the teachers of
these classes, but also for the parents of the students, in order to shed even more light on this
relatively unknown institution of “ZEP”.