Η σημασία της βιωσιμότητας και το περιβαλλοντικό αντίκτυπο της βιομηχανίας τροφίμων

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Βιωσιμότητα τροφίμων ; Περιβαλλοντικό αντίκτυποAbstract
The content of this work is to report the environmental impact of food production and consumption and provide information on the development of sustainable food through companies that promote the ideas of corporate social responsibility.
The environmental impact of food products occurs at all nodes of the food chain through agriculture, industry, retail as well as at the consumption stage. Impacts on one node often depend on activities on other nodes. It is impossible to separate the production, processing and distribution of food from our environment. Unfortunately, industrial production is causing large-scale environmental degradation. Industrial agriculture harms the environment through soil, air and water pollution. Conventional production degrades soil health and causes soil erosion. The high nitrogen and but nutrient content leads to eutrophication in water.
Work on the production of vital food leads to surplus animal waste which pollutes the environment. These food production methods use the unique resources without replenishing them. Moreover, the way in which we produce and consume food contributes to global climate change, the effects of which have a huge impact on the food system. However, new advances in sustainable agriculture are based on ecosystem regeneration practices. They invest in the natural environment rather than depleting it, building soil health, clean water systems and biodiversity. A sustainable approach reduces industrial emissions by building environmental resistance, adapting both food production and land to climate change.
As the world's population increases, demand for food, energy and water is therefore growing rapidly. Ensuring that all people have access to a nutritious diet in a sustainable way is one of the greatest challenges facing this world.