Η εξέλιξη των πλοίων μεταφοράς υγροποιημένου φυσικού αεριού
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Υγροποιημένο φυσικό αέριο ; Διεθνές εμπόριο ΥΦΑ ; Πλοία μεταφοράς ΥΦΑ ; Τύποι δεξαμενών πλοίων ΥΦΑ ; Μηχανές διπλού καυσίμουAbstract
This thesis sets out to explore the evolution of liquefied natural gas carriers, from the time they first appeared until present day. With the use of online resources from various sources, associations and companies related to the liquefied natural gas market and its transport vessels, the International LNG Trade and its most important flows over time are presented before examining the ship itself. Starting with the construction of the first ship, we will analyze the companies that collaborated in this achievement, the technologies and features that were integrated as well as its first test voyages. Then, following the steps of industry expansion to date, data and descriptions are provided for its specialized technology, the types of cargo tanks that prevail today, cargo management systems and dual fuel propulsion systems. Statistics on the size of the fleet, its characteristics and its gradual increase from 1959 until today are also presented. Finally, a prediction is made for the future of the industry, taking into account the analysis of the companies in the industry, but also factors such as geopolitics, international regulations and the commitment of states to the carbonization of the planet.