Νομικές και οικονομικές διαστάσεις της πανδημίας του COVID-19
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Οικονομία ; Δίκαιο ; Νομικές διαστάσεις ; Οικονομικές διαστάσεις ; Πανδημία ; COVID-19 ; Συμβάσεις ; Αναστολή ; Καραντίνα ; Περιοριστικά μέτρα ; Κορονοϊός ; 388 ΑΚ ; Απρόβλεπτη μεταβολή συνθηκών ; Δικαιοπρακτικό θεμέλιο ; Frustration ; Αναπροσαρμογή ; Συμβατικές ρήτρες ; Αδυναμία εκπλήρωσης ; Δυσχέρεια εκπλήρωσης ; Συναλλαγές ; Αποτυχίες της αγοράς ; Θεσμοί ; Δίκαιο των συμβάσεων ; Ατομική ορθολογικότητα ; Στάθμιση κόστους οφέλους ; Δημιουργία πλούτου ; Πλημμελής εκπλήρωση ; Συμβατικές υποχρεώσεις ; Αθέτηση σύμβασης ; Κατανομή του κινδύνου ; Ανωτέρα βίαAbstract
The goal of this paper is to present the main conditions for economic growth and social welfare, the events, the situations and the problems that may be an obstacle to their achievement and the tools provided by Law and Economics for the efficient confrontation of these problems. First, the importance of transactions, of the free, consent based, continuous and unhindered exchange of goods is highlighted for the efficient allocation of resources and the creation of surplus, and then, the market failures, including imperfect competition, externalities, transaction costs, imperfect information and randomness, which may lead to unforeseen change of circumstances, disrupting the smooth functioning of economic flows are presented. The research focuses on Covid-19, an event that sharpened the market failures, drastically changed the conditions of everyday life and led to the irregular development of numerous contracts, and that, due to its global extent and its long duration, does not resemble any similar event (eg oil crisis, closure of the Suez Canal). Furthermore, the tools of Law and Economics that contribute to the confrontation of the unforeseen change of circumstances and the consequent breach of contractual obligations are presented, the legal principles and rules, the theoretical and jurisprudential constructions of Greek and foreign legal order, the concepts of rationality and efficiency of transactions, the weighing of the costs and benefits of a transaction and the allocation of risk are examined, and, finally, an attempt to apply the above tools in the case of the Covid-19 pandemic is made.