Αξιοποίηση των ευέλικτων μεθόδων στη διαχείριση απόδοσης στο πλαίσιο της διοίκησης ανθρώπινου δυναμικού: μια ερευνητική προσέγγιση
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Agile ; HR ; Διοίκηση ανθρώπινου δυναμικού ; Ευέλικτες μέθοδοι ; Διοίκηση απόδοσης ; Διαχείριση απόδοσηςAbstract
The rapid changes that technology and digital systems have brought in recent years have
created a new reality for the economy. Traditional project management methods have been
replaced by new, Agile methodologies, which utilize a number of innovative features and offer
better, faster and more cost-effective completion of modern projects, characterized by complexity
and constant change. This postgraduate thesis pursues a dual purpose. On the one hand, it
includes a research part, in which it seeks to investigate through primary quantitative research
with a closed-ended questionnaire given to a random sample of 64 employees, the possible
correlations between specific factors that affect the performance of employees in work
environments, which utilize the above Agile methodologies, and on the other hand it includes a
practical part, which proposes a guide of good practices and strategies, towards the utilization of
digital technologies and e-learning in the field of Human Resource Management, through which it
highlights the criitical role of technology in shaping a modern culture in the field of Human
Resource Management, with a digital, but human-centered approach. The research results
corroborate that there exist correlations between employee performance appraisal factors in
Agile work environments, such as Work Knowledge and Skills and Communication, Productivity,
Planning, Decision Making Ability, Ability to Manage Financial Resources, Relationship
Management with Partners, Clients, Colleagues, Loyal Adherence to Rules of Procedure, etc. It also
appeared that employees' perceptions of the role and contribution of Agile methods in achieving
their goals affect their job performance. In contrast, the degree of job satisfaction with Agile
methods, as well as the perceived degree of difficulty involved in an agile environment, did not
appear to significantly affect employee performance.