Παιδαγωγική ηγεσία και αποτελεσματικότητα της διοίκησης σχολικών μονάδων πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης
Pedagogical leadership and efficiency at the administration of primary school units
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Διευθυντής ; Παιδαγωγική ηγεσία ; Διοικητικός ρόλος ; Καθήκοντα διευθυντή ; Εκπαίδευση ; Σχολική μονάδα ; Νομοθετικό πλαίσιοAbstract
The present paper deals with the role of pedagogical leadership in the management of primary schools and examines whether such leadership can improve the way management is exercised in a school. In the theoretical part of the work, the aim is to present the bibliographic references on the administrative and leadership role of the Directors of Primary School Units and in particular to present the important role of pedagogical leadership. In the research part a qualitative research was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews with four male and four female Principals of Primary School Units. The participants serve in schools in the prefecture of Attica, the prefecture of Fthiotida and the prefecture of Ilia. Participants' views on the Principal's leadership role, the skills required of the principal to run a school effectively, his / her administrative and pedagogical duties, the State's contribution to their difficult work, and the division of their time into administrative and pedagogical issues, but also their personal opinion on whether the adoption of pedagogical leadership contributes to the development and evolution of the school unit they run. Also, through the interviews, it was investigated how the Principals perceive the attitude of the parents towards their administrative and pedagogical role, as well as the teachers. Parents and teachers are two basic parameters for the successful and smooth operation of a school unit. The findings show that because the Greek education system basically follows the bureaucratic model, this results in school principals having to devote much of their time to administrative matters. The findings show that because the Greek education system basically follows the bureaucratic model, this results in school principals having to devote much of their time to administrative matters. Consequently, Principals cannot invest quality and substantial time in their pedagogical role, which is of major importance for the development of students and the wider school unit. It is therefore necessary to decongest the Directors from bureaucratic procedures and for the State to have a more substantial training of the Directors on issues of leadership and human resource management. In addition, it is understood from both the literature and the interviews that pedagogical leadership can lead to the creation of a vision and culture in a school unit and to develop it. Therefore, in the age of information where rapid technological and economic changes prevail, it is necessary for school units as social systems to focus on the person, the child and the various pedagogical issues that arise. The balance between the administrative and the pedagogical role of the Principal can contribute positively and act as a improving factor for the respective school unit.