Χωρικός ανταγωνισμός και ισορροπία της αγοράς εκπαίδευσης
Spatial competition and educational market balance
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Συγχωνεύσεις ; Κάθετη συγχώνευση ; Χωρικός ανταγωνισμός ; Μεταφορικό κόστος ; Ισορροπία στην αγορά εκπαίδευσης ; Ιδιωτικοποιήσεις ; Μικτό ολιγοπώλιοAbstract
This paper presents a practical application of the model of Eleftheriou, K. & Michelacakis, N. J., 2016 “A comment on 'Vertical mergers and downstream spatial competition with different product varieties. Economics Letters 143, pp. 84-86 ” on the education market. Furthermore, this paper attempts to examine the balance between the indifferent consumer and the two companies, which offer the same good W, before and after one of the two companies merges with the sole supplier of the basic good w, necessary for the production of the offered W. The difference from the article of Eleftheriou, K. & Michelacakis, NJ, 2016, is the fact that the transportation cost depends on the squared distance, and not to the distance with a linear relation. The conclusion is that while before the vertical merger the market was divided between the two companies, after the merger the merging company gains market share by pushing the latter through the increase in the cost of the basic good w2 (for which the merged company is no longer charged).