Ανάπτυξη εφαρμογής Android για την αξιοποίηση αισθητήρων και δημιουργία microservices για αποθήκευση και απεικόνιση Big Data
Android application development for mobile sensor utilization and development of microservices for storing and visualization of Big Data
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Android ; Sensors ; Microservices ; Big dataAbstract
As technology evolves and the new era is marked by increased demands for speed and flexibility, the monolithic architectural approach to digital application construction has now proved ineffective and outdated. Architectural examples in software development change over time. The demands for new technological approaches are constantly evolving to meet the new set of business challenges.
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the approach with an experiment in the design of a microservice system. This dissertation aims to analyze what microservices are, what their main points of implementation are, their difference from monolithic architecture and finally through software development how they can be used to support Big Data Analytics. Finally, prospects for further study will be proposed.
This architecture provides a solution to systems where the complexity exceeds the usual. As an application grows in size (Urdhwareshe, 2016) but also in complexity, the development of new features and the debugging of existing ones becomes more and more difficult and, in some cases, impossible. In such conditions, microservices often come to provide solutions.