Ο ρόλος της κοινωνίας των πολιτών και των μη κυβερνητικών οργανώσεων στις δημόσιες πολιτικές μια περιπτωσιολογική μελέτη
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Μ.Κ.Ο. ; Εκπαιδευτική πολιτική ; Δημόσια πολιτική ; Παγκοσμιοποίηση ; Πολύ-επίπεδη διακυβέρνησηAbstract
This dissertation is a case study, which studies the way in which NGOs influence and are active in the formulation of public policies. Particular emphasis is placed on the way in which globalization has influenced public policy-making by national governments, but also on the impact that this new treaty has had on the action of NGOs. Specific reference is made both to the way in which NGOs operate within the EU, and how they find a way to the higher institutions in order to express their positions and concerns, as well as whether and in which cases they manage to influence the agenda at the top level of multilevel governance. The policy that this diplomacy focuses on is education and immigration policy. The immigration policy has returned to a prominent place on the agenda, following the refugee crisis that erupted as a consequence of the now ten-year-old Syrian crisis. The education of refugees is important for their full integration into the society of the countries in which they live. But what is the contribution of NGOs to this dimension of the crisis? The last part of the paper examines the activity of NGOs in Turkey related to the refugee crisis, while in previous chapters the work focuses on the participation of NGOs in the Open Method of Coordination, for the formulation of the Lisbon strategy by the EU, as well as and the role of NGOs in Africa in providing educational services, but also in the way they influence governments in shaping education policy. In the first chapters a reference is made to the basic concepts of public policy and the correlation of the term public policy with educational policy. Another attempt is made to describe the action of NGOs at the level of international organizations, while then their action in general in the context of educational policy is specialized.