Οικονομική επιδημιολογία
Economic epidemiology

The dissertation analyzes various aspects of economic epidemiology. Economic epidemiology is a science that was not well known around the world. However, the last 1-2 years with the advent of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), it is more relevant and necessary than ever. Citizens and governments around the world are called upon to take action, responsibilities and make plans to reduce and eliminate the Covid-19 pandemic.
The first section analyzes the basic terms of economic epidemiology. Then, they are analyzed, the purpose and types of epidemiology. Finally, they are analyzed the purpose of economic epidemiology, how the "marriage" of economics and epidemiology is done, and finally how we should use it for policy making.
The second section analyzes various aspects of economic epidemiology. First, it refers to some basic concepts for understanding diseases. These concepts will help to understand the ways in which economic epidemiology could help in policy making and decision making. Infectious diseases are the most important in the economic epidemiology, as due to the sharp and rapid spread of an infectious disease, citizens and governments are called upon to plan and take measures to reduce the disease and try to also reduce the economic costs. Respectively, money is spent on the fight against diseases which constitute the majority in relation to infectious diseases. In diseases, there is more time available to find the right plan to reduce costs and find new innovative treatments to combat them.
The third section analyzes health expenditures and budgets. To share the expenses in best way, it is essential to find the specific amount for each stage of health, separately. The health budget should be first determined and allocated. The needs for expenditures and the ways of financing must be found. Finally, it is equally important to find ways to maximize the revenue that goes to health.
The fourth section analyzes the health technologies and how the health technology assessment (HTA) is done. Specifically, the purpose, steps, ways of assessment and consequences are analyzed. In the health technology assessment is very important to find and analyze the costs of technologies to be, in the appropriate technology and based on the result but also based on the cost of this technology. In other words, health technology assessment helps to find the right plan, with the best possible results for both sides.
In the fifth and final section of this dissertation, a practical application of the economic epidemiology for Covid-19 is made using time series in the Python programming language. Firstly, it is analyzed the theoretical background of the time series analysis methods (ARIMA) that used. After that, we present some information on Covid-19 and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which is used as an economic indicator in this study. Initially, an analysis of the cases in Greece is made and we select an appropriate model for predicting the cases. Then a model of case prediction is created with the portion of vaccinated people as an exogenous factor, to assess a health technology and to note its importance. Finally, after using a forecasting model for Greece's GDP, a GDP forecasting model was created with Covid-19 as an exogenous factor to extend the effects of the epidemic on the country's economy.