Υποστήριξη των εκπαιδευτικών μέσω πλάνων μαθημάτων για την ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη μαθητών προσχολικής ηλικίας
Teacher support on applying the whole child development in early primary education through lesson plans

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Πλάνα μαθημάτων ; Ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη του παιδιού ; Καθολικός σχεδιασμός για τη μάθηση ; Μαθησιακοί σταθμοί ; Εκπαιδευτική πλατφόρμα Kinems ; Μοντέλο εναλλαγήςAbstract
The innovations of the 21st century, and especially the universal presence of technology, have redefined every aspect of everyday life. Today's society is evolving rapidly, which seems to directly affect the field of education and especially the way in which students acquire knowledge.
Each student is a unique entity, with different characteristics, preferences, abilities and beliefs. However, most curricula today are designed for the so-called “average student”; although cognitive neuroscience has shown that there is no real average student, most schools still operate under conditions that often override the complexity and potential of individual students. Based on the variety and variability encountered within the classroom and taking into account the rapid developments in technology and the benefits that can be given to its proper use in the teaching and learning process, were sought, for the needs of this master thesis, practices and methods through which pre-school students will have the opportunity to learn and be developed in their entirety. The principles of the Whole Child Approach and Universal Design for Learning, combined with the special features of the Kinems Learning platform, laid the foundation on which Lesson plans were designed, four of which were selected to create a Lesson Plan Guide. The aim is to make the preschool teachers aware of the importance of adopting the principles of Whole Child Approach and Universal Design for Learning, in the course and thus to verify whether this Guide is a quality and useful tool that the teacher is going to use, so that each student be highlighted, supported and performs to the maximum.