Επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο της «ΠΝΟΗ ΖΩΗΣ» Κοιν.Σ.Επ.
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Επιχειρηματικό σχέδιοAbstract
The phenomena of impoverishment and social exclusion which have been affecting the Greek society for seven years, have intensified recently, due to the serious economic and social crisis that is going through not only our country but the European South in general. New forms of poverty and marginalization are increasingly threatening the Greek family, which is called upon to cope daily with a set of obligations without having the sufficient support of the Welfare State. An important part of these obligations concerns the care of dependent members, such as minor children, the elderly, people with disabilities or chronic diseases. The availability of financial and material-technical resources, as well as energy / time by the people in charge of their care, makes it necessary to introduce innovative forms of social care that are not based solely on the occasional receipt of benefits and passive dependence on public benefits. The establishment of "PNOI ZOIS" Koin.S.Ep. harmonizes with the philosophy of modernization of the social welfare system in the new conditions and seeks to provide quality social care services to man with complete selflessness, regardless of color, race, religion, gender and age. Developing activities in the wider field of social care not only at the local population level but also nationwide, the "PNOI ZOIS" Koin.S.Ep. aims at the daily, substantial response to the needs of those vulnerable groups, such as infants & children, the elderly, people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and their families, as well as serving the general social benefit. In order to achieve its sustainable operation, the Social Cooperative Enterprise on the one hand participates in various programs of national or pan-European level, either independently or in cooperation with other international organizations and on the other hand collects a large part of the necessary material and technical resources for its operation. network of its members, sponsors and supporters.