Οι Συμπράξεις Δημόσιου - Ιδιωτικού Τομέα (ΣΔΙΤ) και η εφαρμογή τους στη δημόσια υγεία
Public - Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the healthcare sector
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Συμπράξεις Δημόσιου - Ιδιωτικού Τομέα (ΣΔΙΤ) ; Δημόσια υγεία ; Εθνικό Σύστημα Υγείας (ΕΣΥ) ; Συστήματα υγείας ; Υγειονομική δαπάνη ; Ιδιωτική χρηματοδότηση ; Public - Private Partnership (s) (PPPs) ; Public health ; National Healthcare System ; Healthcare Sector / System ; Health expenditure ; Private fundingAbstract
In a highly fluid and volatile environment, that comes as a result both of the global financial crisis of 2008 and the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, Public Health is becoming more and more of interest, as a controversial matter of dialogue, as well as a
creative one. It is now clear that the need of providing a higher level of health services is becoming imperative. This fact is reflected in various economic indicators, mainly as
a percentage of public expenditure in public health, as well as in the preferences and aspirations of society, according to studies and data of recent years. The implementation
of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can provide a solution to these issues, as an
alternative form of financing but also as a mean of promoting a higher level of health
service, in general. This thesis reflects precisely that argument, by analyzing issues that
are presented below. The analysis below, if summarized, aims at three main goals.
Firstly, in the citation of data and details around models, forms and content of PPPs.
Secondly, in capturing key elements of the Public Health sector in Europe and Greece,
by emphasizing its importance, mainly through economic figures and data. Thirdly,
in providing details and information about the implementation of PPPs in the field of
Public Health, both at European and Greek level; emphasis is given on the good
practices and lessons learned by the implementation of this particular model of
cooperation between public and private sector. At the last part of this thesis, the
advantages and disadvantages arising from the implementation of PPPs are summarized,
aiming to create conclusions that will serve as a springboard for the expanded and
optimal use of PPPs in the field of Public Health.