Διαδικασίες και ενέργειες που χαρακτηρίζουν την αντίστροφη εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα με ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στη βιομηχανία των φαρμακευτικών προϊόντων

Reverse logistics ; Supply chain ; Pharmaceutical sectorAbstract
The operation of the reverse supply chain (Reverse Logistics) is an industry that in recent years has entered in a significant degree in the daily lives of citizens worldwide. Each of us, either voluntarily or not, can participate in many of its functions. Through this paper and specifically in the first part, the procedures and forms of treatment observed in the industry are presented. In the second part the presentation of the industry in the pharmaceutical sector is made. Initially, processes such as the acquisition of returned goods (gate keeping) and their collection firstly appear in the network of the reverse supply chain. The goods are then inspected and separated in order to determine their disposition which is the fourth process that characterizes the reverse supply chain. It is worth noting that each of these processes is unique and should not be absent from a return network. After their evaluation, the goods are processed properly according to the possibilities they present and the needs that exist. Forms of processing such as reuse, repair, remanufacture and recycle are presented, along with the difficulties encountered in various industries. The second part firstly emphasizes at the peculiarities of the pharmaceutical sector in the process of returns, which highly depend on human health. Errors must be eliminated as it is perceived as, because possible errors can lead to loss of a human life. The effects of the literature on economic, social and environmental levels as well as its high dependence on legislation are described. Then, networks of returns in the pharmaceutical sector by companies that specialize in the field are analyzed as they are presented in research papers and the implementation obstacles encountered. Finally, a general conclusion is made about what has been mentioned and the gaps and shortcomings that exist. However, these can lead to research opportunities.