Ενεργειακό-αυτοσυντηρούμενο πάρκο
Energy-self sustaining park
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Βιωσιμότητα ; Κυκλική οικονοµία ; Ανανεώσιµες πηγές ενέργειας ; Ενεργειακό πάρκο ; Πάρκο ; Στόχοι βιώσιµης ανάπτυξης ; Sustainability ; Circular economy ; Renewable energy sources ; Energy park ; Park ; Sustainable development goals ; QuestionnaireAbstract
Sustainability nowadays is the most topical issue. The way in which
society will grow and develop, without burdening the environment in which we
live, is a key problem to be solved.
Our key tools in this solution are the circular economy and sustainability
goals. But to achieve the desired result, we must all realize the importance of
sustainable development.
Thus, the primary goal is the education of citizens. In this dissertation, the
creation of an energy autonomous park will be researched, with the ultimate
goal of education in terms of sustainability, recycling, alternative energy
sources and environmental awareness.
Initially, the creation of such a park will be theoretically examined, after
a detailed reference is made to the importance of the project for society and
sustainability. The theoretical part lists basic concepts, such as sustainability
and circular economy, at what level is the rest of the world in terms of these
concepts and where our country is at the moment.
Then, the whole project will be presented practically, since the
components of the park, their role, the financial data, as well as data such as
its location and area are described in detail.
The second part of the work contains the questionnaire on which an
econometric analysis is performed, regarding the understanding of the term
sustainability by the citizens, the acceptance of such a park but also the
willingness of the citizens to support the purpose of its creation. These data are
investigated using an econometric model (STATA) and then the results of the
regression are recorded