Ανάπτυξη των γνωστικών περιοχών της διοίκησης έργου και εφαρμογή τους στην κατασκευή βιοκλιματικής κατοικίας
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Διοίκηση έργου ; Κύκλος ζωής έργου ; Συμμέτοχοι ; Δραστηριότητες ; Έργο ; Παραδοτέα ; WBS ; Πόροι ; Κρίσιμη διαδρομή ; Βιοκλιματικά κτίριαAbstract
In this dissertation, the basic terms related to Project Management and its use in a construction projects are firstly presented. Then, the knowledge areas of Project Management are analyzed in combination with the presentation of tools and techniques that can be applied in each area separately.
Also, the construction stages, i.e., the phases of a construction project are presented. Further, the construction stages of a bioclimatic house are discussed, while the advantages that such houses offer over conventional once are pointed out. Also, some indicative project management software applications that are specialized for construction projects are presented together with the features that their users want to have.
In addition, a case study is presented which presents the application of the knowledge areas of Project Management (in the construction of a bioclimatic house in Ioannina). Specifically, the participants for the construction of the bioclimatic house were identified, the project was planned, the activities and their duration were defined and the required resources for the implementation of each activity were committed. The potential risks were then identified and monitored. Finally, the project was monitored and controlled in terms of cost and time of completion and the conclusions that derived from this dissertation.